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Green Building Standards to be developed at MGSU

Green Building Standards to be developed at MGSU

Green Building Standards to be developed at MGSU

Green Construction Standards are planned to be developed at MGSU. The work will be carried out by the "Environmental Safety, Green Standards and Technologies" Scientific and Educational Center at the University assisted by specialized organizations. Certain types of work will be carried out jointly with related Technical Committees for Standardization (TC): TC 465 “Construction” and TC 393 “Services in the Field of Housing and Utility Infrastructure and Formation of Comfortable Urban Environment.”

The standardization roadmap of the of green building technologies introduction to the industry until 2030 has already been formed by TC 366 “Green Building” and TC 465 “Construction”.

The development and accreditation procedures of such Russian National Standards (GOST R) like “Green Building Technologies”; “Individual Housing Green Building. Evaluation Methodology and Design, Construction and Operation Criteria” are scheduled for 2023. Four GOSTs, including “Green Building Standards”; “General Requirements of Green Building”; “Green Building of Industrial Building. Evaluation Methodology and Design, Construction and Operation Criteria”; “Green Building Standards. Green Total Buildings and Structures Renovation” and “Green Building Standards of Vertical Gardening of Facades of Buildings and Structures. Technical and Environmental Requirements” should be confirmed in 2024. The development and accreditation procedure of GOST R “Green Building Standards of Green Municipal Building. Evaluation Methodology and Evaluation Methodology and Design, Construction and Operation Criteria” are scheduled for 2025.

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