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Campus Life

The number of foreign students of MGSU constitutes more than 1000 from 87 countries of the near and far abroad study. Each has its own language, culture, traditions, customs and national characteristics. Interclub is a key community in the system of education of a culture of interethnic communication and the strengthening of a single educational space, an organization that is set up to learn the creative spirit and beauty of all nationalities. The interclub is open to representatives of all nations and peoples, without exception, sharing the goals and objectives of the organization.

The main activities of the Interclub are:

  1. Monitoring the ethno political situation at the university and forecasting the development of national relations;
  2. Creation of a system of information support about the organization’s activities, participation in competitions, scientific and creative events, forums, conferences and festivals;
  3. The implementation of the adaptation program, consisting of a series of activities aimed at harmonizing interethnic relations, strengthening friendship between representatives of different cultures, nationalities and the single Russian educational space;
  4. Assisting students in adapting to the conditions of life and study in Moscow, information and advisory support in solving emerging educational, domestic and social problems;
  5. The implementation of the adaptation program, consisting of a series of activities aimed at developing civic identity and communicative competencies of students, preventing the ideology of extremism and terrorism;
  6. Expanding the circle of interaction among young people of various nationalities, creating mechanisms to consolidate positive results, and creating a system for training public activists from among university students in national relations;
  7. Creation of Fellowships from among university students to strengthen friendship, cooperation and mutual understanding between representatives of different nationalities studying at the MGSU through joint events;
  8. Interaction with all institutions in the implementation of national policies.


The work of the Interclub involves more than 1000 Russian and foreign students from the regions of Russia, Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. The Interclub has developed and implemented many projects and programs whose tasks were to develop a civic identity that identifies a young person not only with a specific national or religious group, but also with society as a whole. Projects and programs aim to assert that civic identity is the basis of the social integration of youth in the student community.

We are strong with friendship, so this is a value for all of us it is a symbol of prosperity and prospects of MGSU. We invest in those who will make decisions on a global scale tomorrow. We are for mutual respect!

Keep in touch!

Tel.: +7 (499) 183-36-47

E-mail: interclub@mgsu.ru


© 04.05.2024 | MGSU
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