Размер шрифта: A A
Цвет сайта: A A

1. Wind tunnel for aerodynamic tests of building structures

2. Multipurpose reconfigurable stand for testing of large-sized building structures on static and dynamic loads

3. Small-scale reconfigurable stand for testing of building structures

4. Floor Model Fatigue Testing System Instron 8802

5. Servo-hydraulic control console ADVANTEST-9

6. Multipurpose testing system Instron 1000 HDX

7. Horizontal fire furnace

8. Vertical fire furnace

9. Stand Multipurpose research fire furnace

10. Stand for testing of facade systems on fire-resistance

11. Stand for control and support of excess pressure (discharge) during fire testing of structures

12. Testing stand KS 3025/650

13. Multipurpose stand for testing of mechanical characteristics of translucent structures MFIS 100

14. Testing stand KS ZDP 20kN PC

15. Testing stand TLP 800 S

16. Large shallow-water basin

17. Deep-water basin

18. Hydraulic flume of a variable inclination

19. Universal high-precision system for testing on dynamic compression APS Wille LO70-SH0063

20. Universal high-precision system for testing on dynamic compression APS Wille LO7060/SP05 with additional auxiliary drive for cyclic load 5 kN/5 Hz

21. Climatic test chamber of modular constructions Weiss WK 10/40-90

22. Climatic test chamber Weiss WK 18/40-70

23. Climatic chamber with additional simulation of the global sunlight spectra Atlas SC 600

24. X-ray fluorescence Spectrometer ARL OPTIM"X 200W

25. Micro-CT scanner SkySkan 1173

26. ARL X'TRA Diffractometer

27. Raster electron microscope FEI Quanta 200

28. Nanotest 600

29. Senterra Raman spectrometer

30. Stand for dynamic tests of «S», «V», «T» safety-catching nets

31. Stand for dynamic tests of «U» safety-catching nets and «C» safety barriers

32. Stand for static tests of safety-catching nets

33. Stand for static tests of border erection decks

34. Stand for static tests of «A» and «B» safety barriers and for dynamic tests of «B» safety barriers

35. Stand for dynamic and static tests of personal protective equipment

36. Computing cluster

37. Experimental stand "Geodesic monitoring of a vertical structure"

38. Experimental stand “Dynamic and vibration monitoring system of substructure-foundation scheme”

39. Experimental stand “Model of supporting frame of multistorey building”

39. Experimental stand for testing of models of tanks

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