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Research Programs and Activities

The Scientific and Technical Council is one of the main forms of participation of specialists and scientists of the University in the development and implementation of the scientific and technical policy of the university, improving the scientific level and relevance of research, their innovative focus.

The system of coordination programs: “Research and development on the implementation of priority areas of the development of scientific and technical complex of MGSU”

Department 1. Architecture and Urban Planning

Department 2. Building structures of buildings and structures

Department 3. Integrated safety in construction and housing and utility services

Department 4. Information systems in construction, economics and management

Department 5. Building materials and technologies

Branch 6. Systems of utility infrastructure and mechanical equipment of buildings

Department 7. Hydro-technical, energy and geo-technical construction

Department 8. Fundamental and applied sciences in architectural and construction field

The main objectives of the Scientific and Technical Council:
  • Increasing the effectiveness of scientific, technical and innovative activities of the MGSU;
  • An increase in the scientific contribution of the University to solving urgent problems of science on the basis of the wide use of the scientific and technical potential of MGSU, the achievements of domestic and world science, and modern information technologies;
  • Strengthening the role and position of MGSU in the field of science. Formation of a policy in the field of training highly qualified scientific personnel;
  • Creation of conditions for attracting talented youth to the sphere of science, education and innovation, increasing the prestige of scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity.
The main tasks of the Scientific and Technical Council:
  • Determination of the system of priority directions for the development of scientific, technical and innovative activities of the MGSU;
  • Development of innovatively-oriented comprehensive research in priority areas of science and technology based on the widespread use of modern information technologies, including in the field of training of engineering and scientific personnel;
  • Rendering assistance to the scientific departments of the University in ensuring the development of fundamental and exploratory research in order to create fundamentally new research areas, high technology, promising structures and materials;
  • Wide involvement in graduate students, young specialists in the active scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities; continuous improvement of the scientific potential of young scientists, students; ensuring continuity in science from older generations to young;
  • Preparation of proposals and recommendations for improving the organizational forms of managing the scientific, technical and innovative activities of the university, bringing them closer to the educational process, creating and developing a single modern experimental base;
  • Study and generalization of the experience of management and organization of scientific research, their innovative focus, as well as new forms of scientific integration in Russian and foreign higher education systems;
  • Development of norm-setting activities at the MGSU in the direction of updating the current standards, harmonization with the requirements of the euro-norms; bringing regulatory documents in accordance with the Law on Technical Regulation;
  • Increasing the responsibility of performers for the quality and scientific and technical level of work performed
  • Assistance in strengthening the material basis of scientific and technical activity.

Secretariat of the Scientific and Technical Council of MGSU

Mikhail Ivanov
room 1706, tel.: 26-70, e-mail: mni@mgsu.ru

Vyacheslav Medvedev
room 1705, tel.: 23-19, e-mail: MedvedevVV@mgsu.ru

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